北海道で開催されている夏の野外音楽フェス「RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2016 in EZO」のデザインTシャツコンペに出展しました。こちらはノミネート作品としてWEB上で紹介され、準グランプリを頂く事が出来ました。
This graphic was submitted to the T-shirt competition for RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2016 in EZO, a summer outdoor music festival held in Hokkaido.This work was introduced on the web as a nominee, and I were able to receive the second prize.
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me!
This graphic was submitted to the T-shirt competition for RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2016 in EZO, a summer outdoor music festival held in Hokkaido.This work was introduced on the web as a nominee, and I were able to receive the second prize.
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me!